
Friday, July 23, 2010

Inter-title text problem solved...

Silent films are perfect low budget productions, because the hardest thing to get right (and almost impossible to fake in post) is really good sound design... the trade off is coming up with witty phrases that are short, sharp and to the point for the inter-titles!

My natural inclination when writing leans more toward polysyllabic words and overly complex sentences, so I wasn't feeling very confident that I would be able to pull this off. :)

As inter-titles aren't restricted to dialogue, I wanted them to look beyond what's seen on the surface, without falling into the trap of spelling everything out (literally)...

Blackness has 3 very short 'mini-acts' with even shorter transition scenes between them, and there is no familiar narrative arc for the audience to 'get' . The main character is almost a fairytale creature in a way, flitting from place to place, granting wishes and dispensing justice as she goes, so i re-wrote a couple of nursery rhymes, but kept their familiar pattern and structure....

Chapter 1. (The Miss and The Nerd)

Lovely Miss Dashan,
Wishing for passion.

Waiting in vain, each day.

Oh, that feeling inside her -
As he sat down beside her...

The kiss
Swept this miss
Clean away!

Chapter 2. (The Tart and The Sleaze)

The Sleaze was in a single's bar,
Courting his new honey

His wife was home - and quite alone,
Spending all his money

All the people at the bar,
Had heard him brag and gloat

'Til along came a barfly
And slashed The Sleaze's throat!

Chapter 3. (The Lady and The Pervert)

Pervie Herbie
Was like a bad dream

Flashing the girls
And making them scream

It was time to make him pay
And Herbie could not run away!

Monday, July 12, 2010

Life Interrupting Art

Due to a number of things that are unable to be ignored (well, technically, jump-up-and-down screaming like a demented toddler demanding i deal with them NOW type of things) i've had to push back the shoot dates till around the 20th of August....

And because of the new dates I've lost Bobby No. 1!!! And i had just cast him as I lost the original actor slated to play this part, damn it! So back to the casting couch - again:)

Still working on costumes, props etc... finished a corset with a heart cutout as a potential blackness option...

Also created my 'official' pic for this project... ness got it right when she saw it, her only comment? "Poser!" hahaha, i love doing my own self portraits :)

Thursday, June 24, 2010


The curse of having a low budget means so much has to be compromised... i wish i could outfit everybody from head to toe with costumes from malcolms... but alas! its not going to happen. Main characters and specific character types will definitely get 'the whole shebang', but its going to be a case of teaming one of their victorian skirts with high necked blouses from op shops and shawls etc... tuxedo shirts are a good option for the men as they are easily tweaked to look 'victorian'.

had my first app at malcolms last weekend, found the perfect dress/outfit for The Lady and The Miss. Also scored a fabulous full length cape with a half cape trimmed in royal purple and attached at the shoulders, so i have a tick next to The Pervert. Jacket choices galore for The Sleaze, will take the one that fits Rod the best i think...

Have also decided on dates for shooting and rehearsals etc... so its starting to feel like its all coming together (when it doesnt feel like im on an out of control freight train!)

First rehearsals this weekend! Bobbies and Beefcakes and Blackness for Sunday lunch, oh my!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

more pix from location scouting

location scouting and storyboarding

went location scouting last weekend... made some decisions, took pics and will now do dome (basic) storyboarding from those images (for some reason i cant draw storyboards for shit!)

Sunday, June 13, 2010

vintage bikes...

trying to get hold of a vintage ladies bicycle (ive given up on the penny farthing idea) I see the exact type of bike that i want, cause hipster chicks are riding them in the city - but i havent had any luck finding somewhere that hires them out for the day. So i contacted Melbourne Vintage Bikes in Brunswick( they restore old bikes and sell them) to see if they would be open to the idea of hiring one of their awesome bicycles for a day... now just waiting for a response....

as you are
xx jenna xx

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

The Wall is Finished! (almost)

At Josh's again last sunday, the wall is finished (except for the painting bit)

Thanx to Josh and Ross (The Cardboard Masters) I wouldnt have been able to do it without their expert knowledge on cardboard construction... check out their website:

as you are
xx jenna xx

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

cardboard brick wall and pvc bars on the window...

Spent last sunday at Josh's with Amanda building the barred window and wall, apart from the frame and the bars it will be all cardboard :)

felt like i cut out a million bloody rectangles (for the bricks) but in reality we barely broke 200...

The three frames (hinged together to make a 3 metre wall) are finished and we managed 'lay' enough bricks to make it 1 metre up the wall...

Im not cut out (pun intended) for this physical labour malarky... i was exhausted for 2 days afterward :(

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

BLACKNESS cast and crew get together

It was fabulous catching up with the blackness family last wednesday at The Vic Bar.... Everyone is excited about the project... Im excited that i managed to get so many awesome people on board for this little film, and wish i could express how much i am in love with their talent and enthusiasm...

as you are

xx jenna xx

Costume Design...

Now that casting is finalised, and the look for each character is clear in my head, its time to design their costumes... Ive been putting aside potential wardrobe items for the past couple of months, and will be able to sew/put together a few just from what i already have, but the main characters (plus the Bobbies) will require specialist assistance.

Next on the to do list is measure everyone, then its off to Malcolm's Costume Hire! Best costume shop in Melbourne! Whenever I visit its like ive died an gone to heaven :)

Completed Wardrobe/ Hair and Makeup design for Blackness....

As you are

xx Jenna xx

Tuesday, May 18, 2010


Introducing the Main Cast:
Vanessa de Largie is BLACKNESS, The Tart, The Miss and The Lady

Rod Lara is The Sleaze, Greg Muller is The Pervert and Stefan Baernthaler is The Nerd

Stefan Baernthaler is The Nerd

Very excited to have Stefan on board, he brings a real depth to The Nerd...

Wednesday, May 12, 2010


Next Wednesday. Will have copies of the script, contact list, tentative shoot schedule and contracts for people... i will be there for 3 hours or so to give everyone a chance to get there.... See you then!!!!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Looking for The Beefcake!

because of the circus strong man look for the beefcake... its back to the drawing board. If anyone knows a body builder type that would be interested in playing The Beefcake, PLEASE LET ME KNOW!!!

The script is done! Everytime I open it, I start tinkering around, so after the last tweaking I saved it as FINAL DRAFT. Hopefully I will leave it alone now...

Working on costume design for each character... And have decided on the style influence for each one - Sherlock holmes with a handlebar moustache for The Pervert, circus strongman for The Beefcake, newspaper boy/ chimney sweep for The Nerd...

As you are

ps. Big welcome to Polly!!!! Follower No 2 and playing Woman No 2 in the train station scene :)

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Casting should be finalised by first week of May

and i would like to organise a get together for all cast and crew, so we can all get a chance to get to know everyone in our Blackness Family before we start rehearsals toward the end of May..

I was thinking of having it at the Vicbar in Richmond.... but if anyone has any suggestions, favourite haunts etc,let me know....

Christopher O'Connor and Tom Morkham...

... Are the Two Bobbies!

no sugar and spice required to make a director + latest update....

Paraphrasing the guy who wrote The Work of The Film Director:

"The most important quality needed by a film creator is the ability to let her intellect take a back seat. A feeling for observation, memory and psychology - as well as a fantastically acute sense of sight and sound - is essential. She must possess the instinct of a showman (showgirl?), because film is a spectacle, and when it's done well it becomes a work of art...."

so, no pressure then!!!!!!!!!!!

We had a great response from the filmnet ad, as well as Rod Lara and Vanessa de Largie letting everyone in their networks know about Blackness (thanks rod and ness!)

i think we have potentially found the perfect actors to play The Nerd, The Bartender, The Beefcake and Bobby #2.

Next step: Find a suitable space to hold auditions/rehearsals, then contact our potentials for auditions/meets :)

If anyone knows off a cheap (preferably located in the inner nth or east suburbs) space to rent/hire by the hour (it doesnt need to be huge) please let me know!!!

as you are

Thursday, April 22, 2010

starside projekt - film. new logo....

to join the starside photography logo. Im getting quite a collection :)

PS. HELLO to my very first follower :)

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

update on pre-production activities....

starside film logo for Blackness production currently being developed...

casting call has gone out on screen hub to cast the rest of the parts....

Finding a DOP is no 1 priority... I am hoping Claire Forgie is interested/in the country - fingers crossed!

Experimenting with different recipes to make sugar glass (for the beer bottle that The Barfly smashes, and then slashes The Sleaze's throat with!) - First few tries havent been a spectacular success, hopefully practice makes perfect!!!!


ValDes Ceative has a Logo!

ValDes Creative New Logo!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

New Cast Member:

Greg Muller has agreed to be The Pervert.... i think he will be perfect!


Thursday, March 4, 2010


Dresden Dolls have graciously allowed Missed Me to be used in Blackness... Check out this awesome song on their site (link in the side pane below)

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Dresden Dolls song 'Missed Me'

Okay, just sent a request to the Dresden Dolls, hoping to get permission to use Missed Me for the soundtrack/score for Blackness.... its not just the music that is perfect, but lyrics as well.... FINGERS CROSSED!!!

as you are

Blackness Characters and Cast

This is the list of characters in Blackness.... some parts are already cast, others are still open, so if you would like to be a part of the blackness 'venture; send us a pic and short bio:


BLACKNESS: Vanessa de Largie

The Sleaze Rod Lara

The Tart: Vanessa de Largie

The Barfly: Alex Spears

The Bartender: Josh Seigel

The Nerd: Open

The Miss: Vanessa de Largie

The Pervert: Greg Muller

The Lady: Vanessa de Largie

Bobby no.1: Tom Morkham

Bobby no.2: Chris O'Connor

The Beefcake: open

First woman: Polly James

Fainting woman: Margaret James

Day maids: Cheyne Pannett and Taylah Pannett

as you are

Welcome to Blackness....

Imagine if women felt free to give up the guilt complexes and rules that govern every minute of their lives and relationships – Letting their powerful female id take charge….

Imagine them going toe to toe with anyone who tried to victimise, lie to or cheat them – Playing them at their own game and pulling no punches. Showing no signs of hesitation, no emotions to hinder them…

Strong and powerful – disregarding all the cultural, sexual and political taboos indoctrinated into every girl from the time they are born, they go after – and get – exactly what they want…

Who said that little girls were made of sugar and spice and all things nice?

As you are